
25-Most common interview question Python for freshers

25-Most common interview question with answers on Python for freshers  1. Differentiate between list and tuple: Lists are mutable data structures in Python, allowing for dynamic changes, while tuples are immutable. This means that elements in a list can be added, removed, or modified, while elements in a tuple cannot be changed once assigned. 2. How …

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object detection using python

object detection using python Some popular libraries for object detection in Python include: OpenCV: an open-source computer vision library that provides a number of algorithms for object detection, including Haar cascades, HOG (Histogram of Oriented Gradients), and deep learning-based approaches using convolutional neural networks. TensorFlow Object Detection API: a powerful object detection framework that uses …

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Create a student registration app using Django

Create student registration app using django To create a student registration app using Django, you can follow these steps: Create a new Django project: Open your terminal and navigate to the directory where you want to create the project. Then, run the following command to create a new Django project: django-admin startproject registration_app Create a …

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django framework python

Django framework Django is a high-level web framework for building web applications in Python. It was created in 2003 and is maintained by the Django Software Foundation. Django is designed to help developers build web applications quickly and with less code, using a clean and pragmatic design. Some of the key features of Django includes: …

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Live Stock ticker using Python

In this example we will be knowing that how to show live stock price using Python with various python packages. Lets have an example from yahoo_fin import stock_info from tkinter import * def stock_price(): price = stock_info.get_live_price(e1.get()) Current_stock.set(price) master = Tk() master.geometry(‘300×150’) master.title(‘Global Stock Price’) Current_stock = StringVar() Label(master, text=”Live Stock Price”, font=’sans 14′, fg=’yellow’, …

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Text extracting from an Image (OCR )

Extract text from an image. Extracting text from an image using pytesseract tool and package using Python programming. install tesseract.exe from here. First, here is an image which contains some text as following..[saved as sample.jpg) And here is the full code to extract text from above image. from PIL import Image #Python Imaging Library (abbreviated …

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Joins using Python and MySQL

MYSQL Joins with Python Inner join example to retrieve records from two table. Here are those two table: Now we will retrieve records from both tables based on regno column. Source code is:  # pip install mysql-connector import mysql.connector as sql # pip install pandas import pandas as pd db_connection = sql.connect(host=’localhost’, database=’college_db’, user=’root’, password=”) …

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Python and MySQL

Database connectivity using Python In this article we’ll be covering all database examples like SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE operations using Python and MySQL database. First,, create database[college_db] and table[student_info] as per following image and insert few records  [here we using wamp server]  before you execute all programs in Python. a) SELECT operation # pip …

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