Internet of Things

What is IoT / Internet of Things?

The Internet of Things is a term which describes how the different devices connect together to transmit data using the network. Internet of Things

The IoT is an expansion of a computer network where one can easily use on other devices like home appliances, smart tv’s, fitness trackers, robotics vacuum cleaner, etc.

So far we have been uysing internet on our Personal computer or Laptop or on our smartphones that’s just for the sake of information exchange but IoT gave huge opportunities to explore the use of the internet on other said devices and work become smarter.

7 Main Characteristics of IoT

1) Connectivity: Here devices need to be connected.
2) Things: devices which are designed to be connected.
3) Data: Source of Internet
4) Intelligence: Sensing data using Artificial Intelligence or Data Analytics etc.
5) Action: Where real usage of data takes place.
6) Ecosystem: in community goals, organizational goals, etc.
7) Communication: devices get connected so there is a flow of data between machine to machine (M2M).

Types of IoT

a) Industrial IoT : Improving operational efficiency etc.
b) IoE : Internet of everything like People, process, data etc.
c) CIoT : Consumer Internet of Things like Home appliances, smart Tv’s, etc.

IoT is based on the industry standard of IEEE.

Applications of IoT

Home automation: control and automation of lighting, ventilation, air conditioning, robotic vacuums, air purifiers.

Wearable: smart watches, fitness trackers, VR etc.

Environment: IoT application technologies that have sensors can be used to monitor air and water quality, soil or atmospheric conditions, and even the movements of wildlife.

The IoT devices can also be used in applications such as tsunami early-warning systems to enable authorities to offer more effective responses and aid.

Utilities: real-time grid assessment.

Logistics: real-time visibility of location.

How IoT works
To work IoT, the following are essentials

a) Hardware (to communicate other devices)
b) Protocols (set rules to transmit data)
c) Domains (locations to store data)
d) Applications (software to communicate with devices)

You can also check out my video in Hindi on IoT


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