Yoga for weight loss

Yoga for weight loss /(ಬೊಜ್ಜು) obesity.

Overweight or obesity is big problem in most people and it really makes them feel low and ashamed.

Obesity or overweight is simply excessive fat accumulation in the body due to hormonal changes or may be due to modern life style. This is also due to consuming more alcohol or eating non-veg food regularly.

But, Indian ancient method of keeping fit and fine both physically and mentally called yoga.

One must perform yoga daily with proper dedication and disciplined hence, one can over come the problems of overweight or obesity.

Here few yoga asanas to over come the overweight or obesity.

Sarvangasana [ಸರ್ವಾಂಗಾಸನ]
Sethu Bandha [ಸೇತು ಬಂಧಸನ]
Parivrtta Utkatasana [ಉತ್ಕಟಾಸನ]
Dhanurasana [ಧನುರಾಸನ]
Chaturanga Dandasana [ಚದುರಂಗದಂಡಾಸನ] 
Trikonasana [ತ್ರಿಕೋನಾಸನ]
Adho Mukha Svanasana [ಅಧೋಮುಖ]

Perform above Asanas at least 3 minutes each in the morning on empty stomach for best and quick results.

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