Top 8 WordPress plug-ins for your blog

Top 8 wordpress plug-ins for your WordPress site / blog

following are the top 8 wordpress plug-ins for every WordPress site should have to enhance features like website ranking, SEO friendly, social media sharing, Google analytics etc.

  1. SumoMe : This plugin makes your blog reader comeback again and again to your blog because this plugin flashes subscribe screen when they leave your website and it collects their email id and your visitor can receive updates directly into their email. Quite amazing and completely free!sumome
  2. SEO friendly images: This plugin makes your blog’s or websites images are optimized for search engine friendly with automatic Alt and Title tags. All your blog’s images are now available on Google image search and other search engines.seo friendly images
  3. Google XML sitemaps: This plugin generates xml based sitemaps for easy indexing on search engine sites like Google, Bing xml sitemaps
  4. Google analytics by MonsterInsights: This is a best plugin to connect your Google analytics to monitor your blog’s analytics like number of visitor per day, location etc.
    Google analytics


  1. Booking Calendar: This is an ultimate booking system for various booking / reservation purpose like function hall booking, hotel booking, venue booking etc.
    booking calendar
  2. WP Socializer: This is a super cool plugin for sharing your blog on social media and it makes your blog’s presence on all over social media sites like FB, Twitter, linkedin, dig, reddit etc.WP
  3. Contact form 7: This is a great plugin for creating contact form on your blog / website and it takes few minutes to form 7
  4. Yoast SEO: Every blog / website must have this plugin to optimize blog’s content fully on search engine sites and this plugin increases your overall site ranking.
    Yoast SEO
    Hope it helps your blog!
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